This information is taken from the Australian Government Office Training Qualifications Website.
Elements describe the essential outcomes | Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the range of conditions section. |
1. Identify the cause of conflict | 1.1 Analyse the conflict situation, including the cause, and establish the position of each party. 1.2 Take steps to prevent escalation of the conflict.1.3 Accept and treat all points of view with respect. 1.4 Identify, clarify and confirm factors and issues relevant to the situation. 1.5 Initiate proceedings to settle the conflict with minimal delay. |
2. Establish and implement strategies for dealing with conflict | 2.1 Encourage all parties involved in the conflict to take shared responsibility for finding a solution to the situation. 2.2 Select a strategy for resolution, taking into account social and cultural differences and consistency with organisational policies and procedures. 2.3 Provide assertive feedback to the parties and accept constructive feedback from the parties non-defensively. 2.4 Agree on outcomes that meet individual requirements. 2.5 Seek assistance where necessary. |
3. Evaluate response and outcome | 3.1 Maintain records and reports. 3.2 Provide accurate and constructive observations of incidents in reviewing and debriefing the situation. 3.3 Evaluate and review effectiveness of response. |
Performance Evidence
Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the candidate must demonstrate evidence of performance of the following on at least one occasion.
- communicating strategies with a diverse workforce and client base including strategies of assertiveness, listening, non-verbal communication, language style, problem solving
- using problem solving to deal with unexpected issues or attitudes
- dealing with difficult situations and people
Knowledge Evidence
Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the depth of knowledge demonstrated must be appropriate to the job context of the candidate.
- public sector legislation including WHS and environment, regulations, organisational policies, procedures and guidelines relating to conflict in the public sector workplace
- types of conflict in the workplace and typical causes
- conflict theory including signs, stages, levels, factors involved, results
- group processes and roles people play
- organisational structures and workplace culture
- different social and cultural practices
- conflict resolution skills and strategies
- personal power and positional power
- grievance procedures in the public sector
More detailed information on this subject is available here and here