As a Career Academy member you have the opportunity to extend the access to your training course and support as well as have access to our pipeline of new and relevant training materials.

Online software services go through a Continuous Development and Continuous Improvement process where they are updated regularly. These updates occur every month and are based on:
- New features being added
- Bugs being fixed
- Improvements to user experience (UX)
- Changes in reporting requirements
- Government legislation
Compared to the early years of computers where users bought a software program and only updated when they wanted to get the features or pay the costs, today all users face an ongoing (lifelong) learning requirement.
Continuous Access
A popular reason for this course addon is to give students ongoing or extended access to their training courses but Career Academy Ci also provides extended support. This support enables students to use their training course as a resource for when they need to review what they have learnt in the workplace.
Modern software training organisations like ours also go through a continuous development and improvement process to maintain up-to-date versions of our training materials. We’re regularly updating and adding new training resources and courses and membership of Career Academy Ci gives you access to these resources and new training content.
Professional Development
BAS Agent, Accountants, Real Estate agents, Financial Advisors, Credit Managers and many other professions are required by their industry groups to provide evidence of ongoing education – Career Academy Ci helps fulfil that requirement.