Market Research and Mystery Shopper Job Description

One of the first tasks a business owner does when they start their business planning is to do some market research to understand what customers are looking for and find out how existing businesses fulfill that need. When you start out as a business owner you will go...

Customer Service Representative

Customer Service representatives need to understand what a business sells and how those products and services are supported. They’ll be communicating with prospects who may never have heard of the business, returning customers who want to make another purchase,...

Online Sales Representative

Online selling is not a new concept but uses more online methods of communicating than traditional telephone sales. An Important aspect of this job is the understanding that: Most shoppers are doing their own market research so you need to be aware of what else is...
From Childcare to Bookkeeping—A Training Success Story

From Childcare to Bookkeeping—A Training Success Story

How One Childcare Worker Made the Leap and Became a Self-Employed Xero Bookkeeper When Agnest decided to transition from a career in childcare to becoming a self-employed bookkeeper she didn’t make the decision lightly. She had no experience in bookkeeping and as a...
Xero Bookkeeping Business—$70ph or $550pm, How Much Should You Charge ?

Xero Bookkeeping Business—$70ph or $550pm, How Much Should You Charge ?

The Pros and Cons of charging a Performance Based rate vs. an Hourly Rate Knowing how much to charge for your bookkeeping services will depend on your fee structure; and knowing which fee structure to use will depend on a number of factors including: Your experience...
Certificate IV in Bookkeeping—Is It Enough to Get Hired?

Certificate IV in Bookkeeping—Is It Enough to Get Hired?

How to Get the Industry Experience You Need for Junior Bookkeeping Jobs Many BAS agents and accounting firms will require you to have a formal qualification before considering you for a bookkeeping role. A Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting will provide you...
Home Page

Home Page

Helping People Like You Work From Home MORE AND MORE, people from all over Australia are balancing work and home life by leveraging the power offered by the internet to work remotely from home. The Career Academy from WORKFACE help students and members get skills,...

Lead Generation

What is a Lead? Leads can be generated many different ways and they differ in their “convertibility” into a sale. Some leads are from potential customers who are not ready to buy your products right now but are doing their own research about the...

About Us

Welcome to Workface! If you have basic computer skills and want to brush up your skills (and develop some new ones) or you need some help with your resume or job search and presentation skill then you have come to the right place! Our aim is to provide comprehensive,...

Work from home opportunities

Work from home contracting and opportunities We work together with businesses and come across a variety of opportunities available for virtual assistants. These opportunities can enable you to work from home most of the time and earn money in an area of work that you...

Student Study Loans

The Purpose of Your Student Study Loan If you are starting a training course to help you begin a business, or do a better job within your existing business, your goal will be to earn money as an independent business owner, while studying to obtain the skills to help...

Best working from home jobs

What Kind Of Work Can I Do From Home? Here are some of the best working from home jobs: Online Business Administration Virtual Assistant Data Entry Jobs Freelance Content Writer (Internships available) Social Media Manager Online Tutor (Internships available with Xero...

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We’ve been helping people find jobs and connect with employment opportunities since 2005 and when we have something important or interesting to share we’ll do it via our blog. This blog email list is managed by Google’s free Feedburner software and...

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Success! Thanks for submitting your details! We are building a skill matching service to help you connect with potential employers (or customers (if you have your own business) and helping employers find the right people to manage their business finances. Stay tuned...