The Purpose of Your Student Study Loan

A study or student loan can not only help you achieve higher education, but will keep your business humming along as well.
If you are starting a training course to help you begin a business, or do a better job within your existing business, your goal will be to earn money as an independent business owner, while studying to obtain the skills to help you earn more or do a better job.
Study loans or student loans for this purpose are commercial loans to help you run a better business; study loans of this nature can be a sound investment, as you are investing your new skills in your business.
We have many online training courses that are suited to people who are inexperienced in the work place, or who are seeking to get back into the workforce or up-skill and improve their skills in business, or the results of their business.
Interest-free lending for student study loans
Interest is normally paid by the individual who borrows money; however with a student loan, sometimes the interest fee can be paid by the course provider as an incentive. This concept is common amongst lenders for many of the items you buy from retail chains across Australia, and is often applied internationally as well.
Pay for your training course as you use it
A great aspect of student and study loans, particularly relating to vocational courses which can help you start and grow a business, is that these loans enable you to better manage your cashflow, thereby keeping your business running, while paying for the course as you progress.
Criteria for applying for student study loans
You must be using the study or student loan for courses which help you start or grow your own business, be over 18 and be an Australian resident. You must have a source of income and set up your Australian Business Number (ABN) prior to the second payment.