Small business statistics

Having a website increases small business revenue

We uncovered some Australian small business statistics you might find interesting!

Two out of three Australian small businesses don’t have a website.

  • A whopping 65% of 1003 businesses owners surveyed do not have a website.
  • Businesses that have been established for more than 10 years are less likely to have a website (25%) than maturing (32%) or new (36%) businesses.
  • Of those businesses with a website, 30% reported a revenue increase in the past year, compared with 23% of businesses without a website.
  • Almost half of all the small businesses surveyed believed they would sell more and get more work if they used the internet better for marketing.

Business types least likely to have a website:

  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (19%)
  • Construction and Trades (23%)

Business types most likely to have a website:

  • Manufacturing and Wholesale (49%)
  • Finance and Insurance (45%)
  • Retail and Hospitality (45%)
  • Business, Professional and Property (37%) 

The future of business websites

The business owners more likely to get a business website in future are those who own a start-up (<2 years) business, who are 18-39 years of age, who own a business in the Retail and Hospitality sector, and who have a business in Queensland.

 Source: MYOB Business Monitor