Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed about your bookkeeping backlog?
You’ve missed your BAS deadline, there is a box of receipts overflowing onto your desk, and you’re worried that the ATO is going to penalise you. That’s enough to keep any business owner awake at night.
Tight deadlines, labour shortages and managing different income streams can all contribute to a backlog of bookkeeping tasks. When you’re faced with a choice between reconciling your bank account or keeping your customers happy, chances are your customers will always take priority. That’s an admirable trait – until you receive a threatening notice from the ATO.
We Can Help!
Our bookkeepers have the skills, expertise and insights to get you back on track with your Xero accounts so that you can get back to running your business. We’ll help you take control of your business accounts, clear the backlog and advise you on how to communicate effectively with the ATO.

“Rescue” bookkeeping includes assistance with:
- Overdue BAS
- Data Entry
- Bank reconciliation
- Lodging compliance information with the ATO
- Receipts management
Advice From Experienced Xero Bookkeepers
There may be some tasks that relate to Tax/GST that can only be performed by a Registered BAS Agent or business accountant. In that case, we’ll identify which bookkeeping functions you need to outsource, and where possible, we’ll provide referrals to industry professionals to help you move forward.
To avoid future backlogs we’ll also advise you on which technology to implement for your business and offer practical guidelines for keeping on top of your bookkeeping tasks.
Contact Us Today
Josika on stand-by and ready to help bring you up to speed and ensure your compliance with the ATO.
Call 1300 886 456 or visit:
Certificate in Xero & Office Admin Training Course
A thorough understanding of bank reconciliation is essential to ensuring that your software data matches the information in your bank account at the end of the month. Learn more about bank reconciliation courses
If you want to improve your credit management, quoting, invoicing, payments, expenses as well as end of the month activities, explore the Certificate in Xero Accounting.