Xero Bookkeeping Packages for A/R, A/P, Rescue Bookkeeping & Payroll
Not all clients will have needs that fit within the predefined service packages offered by your business, however that doesn’t mean that you have to lose them as a client.
By opening yourself up to alternative solutions and thinking outside the box, you can qualify more prospects and increase your chances of winning new clients.
Solutions, Not Services
By shifting your focus onto solving client problems rather than trying to make your services fit their needs, you will be able to capture clients who don’t fit the traditional business model targeted by packaged solutions. A square peg is not going to fit into a round hole, no matter how many times you try.
There are a number of reasons why a client may not see value in hiring a dedicated bookkeeper or enrolling in an online course:
- They may not have the time to commit to an online course.
- They may have budgetary constraints and cost concerns.
- Not all of the course modules may be applicable to the client’s business. In that case, they may perceive that they are paying for training that they don’t need.
- They may want specific advice and assistance to complete particular bookkeeping tasks.
By promoting your flexibility and expanding your offering to accommodate client needs, you will be on your way to building a trusted relationship and securing a new long-term client.
Types of Bookkeeping Jobs
You may be wondering what you have to offer outside of the bookkeeping services you currently provide? You’ll be pleased to know that the answer is quite simple. It’s not a matter of delivering new services, it’s about structuring them in a way that best serves your client’s needs.
You might currently offer the following Xero Bookkeeping services:
- Dedicated bookkeeping services for businesses that require a permanent or regular bookkeeper
- Rescue bookkeeping services
- Xero Training & Tutoring for Accounts Payable & Receivable – 2 hours with training manual
- Advanced Certificate in Xero Bookkeeping Courses, such as the Xero Pro Connect course
Sometimes these solutions won’t be the best fit for your client, so what if you were able to offer a combination of these offerings with bespoke training and support? Let’s find out what is preventing your client from choosing one of the services listed above, so that we can understand their business needs and craft a tailored solution for them.
Identifying Client Needs – Client Scenario
Let’s examine the following scenario. Your client calls you to discuss Xero bookkeeping services for his business. He is a sole trader and performs all of the business functions himself, including production, logistics and marketing. He’s currently working 7 days a week, so that doesn’t leave him much time for bookkeeping.
You have a chat with your client on the phone and he outlines his requirements as follows:
- He doesn’t want to pay for a dedicated bookkeeper as it is too expensive. He just wants to check that he is on the right track.
- As a sole trader he doesn’t have payroll, so he doesn’t wish to enrol in an online course that includes this module.
- He is worried about security and doesn’t want to hand over his Xero passwords to an unknown bookkeeper.
- Ideally he would like to work side by side with a tutor and ask questions as they work through tasks together.
You could offer the following solutions:
- Hire a bookkeeper on an hourly basis ($30-35 p/h for a junior bookkeeper) to answer questions or even to do work such as balancing and data entry. This will help to keep costs down.
- Offer training and support on monthly retainer, for example 3 months @ $200 p/mth.
- The client can enrol in the Xero Pro Connect course at a later date when he has more time.
If the customer’s needs are beyond the scope of your qualifications or experience, you can guide the client to someone who is better equipped to help. Let the client know that you have access to the National Bookkeeping membership group which includes people with different areas of expertise and industry experience.
Creating An Ad to Attract New Clients
Let potential clients know that you offer tailored Xero bookkeeping solutions by publishing an ad which demonstrates your understanding and flexibility.
Your Xero Bookkeeping Tutoring ad should include:
- A heading which clearly states the service you are offering, for example, “Xero Bookkeeping Training and Support”
- Your unique selling point. For example, “flexible, tailored solutions”
- Easy to read fonts and eye-catching colours
- A strong Call to Action, for example, “Call Josika today on 1300 886 456”
Here’s an example:

By using your knowledge and expertise to craft solutions that meet the needs of your clients you can avoid losing opportunities and capture the attention of potential new clients. Make a commitment to yourself and to your business today, to always strive for flexibility and creativity. Your clients will see more value in your services, your business relationships will strengthen and your client list will grow much more rapidly.
Xero Beginners to Advanced Training
The Xero Accounting Pro Training Course Package includes access to Beginners and Advanced Xero training courses. https://computertrainingonline.com.au/product/xero-professional-training-course-package/
How To Write A Compelling Ad For Your Xero Bookkeeping Training and Tutoring
Compose an ad for your services that sets you apart from your competitors and has potential clients clamouring to know more.