Are you happy in your current job?

Are you happy in your current job?

Maybe you are thinking about starting a home-based business? Our training courses can provide you with everything you need – all in one place – to get up and running. We have provided hundreds of small business owners – a great many of them first timers, with the essential knowledge and opportunity to consult with successful business owners through our Small Business Management training course,  MYOB training courses, Excel training courses and WordPress . But what are some of the real benefits of working from home?

 What’s Great about Working in Your Own Home-Based Business

There are many upsides to being your own boss as thousands of Australians are discovering every day. For instance:

  1. Fewer Expenses: This may be an obvious one, but it’s often what makes or breaks a bricks-and-mortar business. Operating your business from home incurs fewer expenses; namely the overheads of rent, power and telephone services. But there are those other little expenses that can start to add up: coffees, lunches, petrol and other travel expenses. When you work from home you can say goodbye to forking out $4 for a coffee everyday and hello to the $960 you’ll save each year by having a cuppa at home instead!
  2. Manage Business Expenses: Working from home can allow you to cut back on certain things or splurge on others, which is sometimes not possible with a physical office. Using cloud accounting software like MYOB also allows you to keep track of your day-to-day more efficiently so you can see how you’re tracking on a daily basis.
  3. Improve Your Business: Without the overheads and expenses that come with operating a business with a physical office space, you can reinvest that money to improve the overall operations of your business — whether that means updating your computers, systems or expanding your business into an area you previously couldn’t because of the golden handcuffs.
  4. You’re Greener: Most people spend between 10 and 20 hours every week just sitting in peak-hour traffic. When you work from home you can finally do your bit for the environment and ditch the car, including all the costs associated with it. Between the cost of fuel, car services, rego, insurance and tyres you’re looking at around $5,000 a year — that’s a trip to Europe!
  5. You’re Happy: Sometimes when you’re trying to rationalise to friends and family the benefits of working from home we forget to say this because it sounds like a cop-out, but it’s actually a biggie. You spend 48 weeks of the year at work, and an average of 40 years working — why shouldn’t you strive to be happy? Confucius once said: find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.


So on that note, what are you waiting for? We can provide you with all the training you need, from managing your business and doing your books  to finally getting your head around Excel.

So choose to be happier, freer — and, let’s not forget, wealthier too. Too often we forget just how incredibly important it is to be happy, but if you’re not happy at work, it will impact your home life and your health.