Running a Website Chat Service in the Background Can Earn Ongoing Money For Your Xero Bookkeeping Business
Use website chat services to acquire new clients for your Xero bookkeeping business In recent times customers have become more comfortable with using live chat technology. In fact they not only prefer to engage via a web chat, they expect it, particularly if they have...
Xero Bookkeeping Business—$70ph or $550pm, How Much Should You Charge ?
The Pros and Cons of charging a Performance Based rate vs. an Hourly Rate Knowing how much to charge for your bookkeeping services will depend on your fee structure; and knowing which fee structure to use will depend on a number of factors including: Your experience...
Micro businesses make good clients
John runs a business called Trim Doctor in the Central Coast and uses Square as his payment system. He's on the road a lot and collects ceilings from cars where the trim is starting to fall away and repairs them. It's a business he has been running for many years and...
Resumé Review—Leverage Your Industry and Business Experience to Land the Best Bookkeeping Jobs
Experience is a critical component of your job application, but it shouldn’t be limited to bookkeeping work. Most job ads will ask for ‘suitably qualified’ or ‘experience in a similar role’ in an effort to attract the best candidates, however that doesn’t mean that...
Resumé Review—How Well Does an International Degree Rate With Recruiters?
A degree qualified applicant with limited work experience CAN still be a good candidate for local jobs. Job applicants with formal qualifications and no work experience are often overlooked by potential employers, however there are several steps you can take to get...
Resumé Review—Bridging the Gap Between Potential and Success
Identifying your skill gaps and refreshing your resumé are CRITICAL to winning the job of your dreams. You’d be forgiven for thinking that your resumé only needs updating when you change jobs or complete a training course. Twenty years ago this would have been...
A Fearless Life—Keys to Success at Study and Beyond
Overcome your fears and take your career to the NEXT LEVEL. If you’ve ever had to deliver a presentation, sit an exam or attend an important job interview, you will have most likely experienced the palpitating heart and sweaty palms that accompany any of us in a high...
Is 4 x Revenue a Good Price to Pay for Your Own Online Business?
Valuing a business based on revenue and growth rate is more important for your own business. Putting a value on a business for sale is not always as simple as taking the yearly cash flow and multiplying it by four. When evaluating the sale price of an online business...
The Value in Buying an Online Business Is Your Income in the Next 3-5 Years
An Information Memorandum for prospective investors should include a FUTURE earnings forecast based on milestones and achievements to date. When you’re evaluating the purchase of an online business there’s more to the income generating potential than what you first...